The room's Dashboard
The first space of a MOBITEACH room is the dashboard which gives quick access to useful functions and condenses all the information relating to the room (information related to LIVE, a history of sessions broadcast, the number of resources created, etc. )

In the upper part of the dashboard, shortcuts to the main features of the room are offered:
Create an activity opens the window for creating an activity with the list of available activities
Create a session opens a session creation window in the Sessions area
Add a participant opens a window for creating a new participant account in the Participants area
Consult the reports
Change my preferences
Import data
In this insert a link to the MOBITEACH online help is provided.
At the top right of the dashboard, the access mode defined for the room (at the preferences level) is recalled: public, PIN code, user name and password. And the authorization or not for the participants to create their own account is indicated (activation of the option "Create participants automatically").
The LIVE insert reads:
if a possible session is in progress
and / or the activity being broadcast
and the participants currently connected
The HISTORY insert lists the last animated sessions, specifying the date, time and number of participants.
Icons allow direct access:
to the session report
to the session editing page (to duplicate it, for example)
The RESOURCES insert indicates:
the number of total resources (activities) present in the library
the name of the last resources created (by clicking on the name of a resource, you access its edit page from which you can also directly launch the activity).
The PARTICIPANTS insert indicates:
the number of participants registered for the room
the name of the last participants added (by clicking on the name of a participant, you access the edit page of their account).
The SESSIONS insert indicates:
the total number of sessions created in the room (available, upcoming or canceled)
the name of the last sessions created (by clicking on the name of a session, you access its edit page).
The REPORTS insert indicates:
the total number of reports generated in the room
the name of the last reports generated with direct access to the report by clicking on its name.
The PLANNING insert:
indicates the current date and time
presents a calendar with highlighting of the days when sessions have taken place or will take place: by clicking on a day with an event, the list of the event (s) is displayed
specifies the list of upcoming sessions

The JOURNAL insert lists all the actions that have been carried out in the room, indicating for each:
date and time
if the action concerns the room, a user, an activity
the nature of the action performed, for example: room modified, user added, activity created, launched, stopped or modified, etc.
Updated on: 08/06/2021
Thank you!