MODERATOR'S first steps - Step 2: Animate
Step 2: Animate
A little before the start of the session, the moderator connects to his MOBITEACH room.
Participant face-to-face access
If it is a face-to-face session, the moderator displays, with the video projector, the information screen so that the participants can connect to his room: to do this, in the Participants area, he clicks on Display participant access (button located at the top right of the page).

Welcome message
The moderator goes to the Sessions space, opens the session he has prepared, goes to the Lessons tab and starts the activity that will welcome the participants (usually a message or Whiteboard). The session starts automatically at the same time as the activity and the moderator is switched to the Live space.
Connection of participants
The moderator visualizes the arrival of the participants in his MOBITEACH room:
or on the information screen for face-to-face access for participants
or in the space Participants
or in the Participants tab of his session

Launch of Webiteach for the virtual classroom
If it is a remote virtual classroom session, and the moderator wishes to use the integrated videoconferencing tool, he opens the Webiteach panel by clicking on the headset icon located on the bar button on the right of its screen, then click on Join .
For more information on the use of Webiteach, refer to dedicated articles.

Once all the participants are connected, the moderator continues his session:
he stops the current activity and automatically switches back to the Lessons tab of the Sessions area
he launches the next activity that he can again animate / monitor in the Live space
The features and actions available differ from activity to activity.
For Quiz activities, for example, the mdoerator:
checks directly the results of participants for each question
consults their answers
corrects open-ended questions
displays the final scores in the form of podium or general classification

The moderator can communicate with the participants using the integrated Live Chat. The Live Chat window opens by clicking on the Bubble icon in the sidebar on the right of the screen and closes by clicking on the cross positioned at the top right of the window.

To have the attendance sheet signed, the moderator goes to the Sessions area, Attendance tab: he clicks on the gray button with the arrow located at the top right of the attendance sheet: a window then opens on the participants' screen inviting them to sign.
For his part, the moderator signs the sheet by clicking on the pencil located in front of his name.
In face-to-face training, the moderator can go to each participant and have them sign on his tablet by clicking on the pencil next to each name.
Once all the signatures have been collected, he saves the attendance sheet by clicking on Save .

When the session is over, the moderator clicks on the End the session button located in the Lessons tab of the Sessions area. This action is important because it allows the generation of the session report.
To leave the MOBITEACH room, the moderator clicks on his profile picture at the top right of the screen, then on Quit MOBITEACH .
He is asked to confirm that he wishes to leave. The answer "Yes and empty the room" disconnects all the participants.
Updated on: 18/06/2021
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