MOBITEACH offers a space to specify preferences common to all sessions of a host room and to import content. These features are accessible via 2 distinct tabs: IMPORT and PREFERENCES .
This is the place to import items from the library (activity files).
There is also the Pass Box Mobiteach area.
In the Library space, it is possible, from a .mbt file exported from another account for example, to:
update activities,
add activities.
In the Sessions space, it is possible to import a session file which contains the information of the session, the structuring of lessons and the list of activities they contain, the participants:
either from an Excel file,
or from the xLMS platform.
For the session to be operational, the library must also contain the activities referenced in the lessons of the session: either the moderator has created them himself in his library, or they have been shared by another moderator, or they have been imported.
The sample Excel file is available for download in the "From Excel" area. Once completed, just re-import it.
The Mobiteach Pass Box space is dedicated to the synchronization of the online account to a Mobiteach Box in order to embark, in an encrypted and secure manner, the sessions wherever they are needed.
Requires a Mobiteach Box and a USB key.

This space brings together a set of options that apply to the moderator's room and its sessions.

This interface offers 7 categories of options:
Participants ID
Here we define the preferences for access to the participants' room.
Public : the participants connect by indicating the number of the room and their email address. Only participants registered for the room will be able to access. By default, access to the room is in public mode.
PIN code : in addition to the previous information, participants must indicate the connection PIN code provided to them by the moderator.
Username and password : participants connect by indicating the email address of their MOBITEACH account and their password.
Create participants automatically : when the public or PIN code mode is selected, this option allows participants not registered in the room to create an account.
At the session level, it is also possible to authorize access only to participants registered for the session, even if they are registered for the room. This is the option Unknown participant .

Live Chat options
Activate Live Chat between participants and moderator in the room. By default, the room is equipped with it.
Activate the sound notification, the type of display of the names of the users (full name, first name or anonymity), or even the integrated system messages when an event occurs (start of session, launch of activity, arrival of a new participant ...)

Briefcase options
Activate / Deactivate by default the Briefcase in the room. By default, the briefcase is available to participants.

Other options
Authorize the participant to modify his profile. By default, the participant can.
Alert the participant, by notification on his MOBITEACH page, when an event concerns him (modification of his profile, recording of his response to a question, etc.). By default, is inactive.
Send an invitation email to a participant when their account is created. By default, this option is enabled.
Define a participant's inactivity time before locking his session, ranging from 1 minute up to 60. Deactivates by selecting "no limit". By default, is set to 60 minutes.
Insert a logo in the room.
Launch an activity from the Library part or only from its session folder. By default, this shortcut is active.
Display or not the sessions. By default, sessions are visible.
Authorize, by default, uninvited participants to join a session as long as they have the URL address, refuse them or accept them only on request at the entrance. By default, a session is accessible to all registered in the room.
Reduce the participant and camera menu (side menu on the left of the room) during Live By default, this option is inactive.
Change the color of the animation projector.

xLMS server
Link a MOBITEACH account to xLMS using the private / public keys provided by xLMS.

Cloud / Box synchronization
Enter the URL address allowing you to synchronize the data of your room with those of your Box.

Define the number of hours per day of training, then the distribution between morning and afternoon: this information is used to pre-fill the attendance sheets.
Define the format used by default to generate the attendance sheet: signing per half-day, per day or for a session. By default, this option is set to half day.
Group the display of the list of participants by organization. By default, participants are sorted alphabetically by last name.
Display custom text at the top and / or bottom of the sheet.
Include a logo on the attendance sheet.

Updated on: 11/06/2021
Thank you!