Export / Import activities
Export / Import activities
The export / import functionality is another way of sharing activities, also useful if the moderator has several MOBITEACH rooms.
From the library, to export an activity file, open the concerned file and click on the Export button located at the top right.
A window opens: it is possible to modify the name of the export file that will be created.
Click on the Download button: the generation of the .mbt export file will take a few moments. When it is finished, a window opens to choose the location where you want to save the file on the computer.

To import activities into a MOBITEACH room from an .mbt file previously exported from another room:
go to the space Tools
Import tab, click on the Import button
drop the .mbt file of the activities to import in the space provided for this purpose, and voila!
The imported activity folder is now available in the library, in the My folders tab.
Updated on: 11/06/2021
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