Match Item
Match Item
By choosing this type of activity, pairing, the moderator has a choice of tools to modulate and refine his expectations on the participant side while leaving him the pleasure of manipulating the environment:
time limit
answer required
import of images, gifs, or videos to illustrate the answers
The question has up to 25 possible answers to connect.
For his part, the participant manipulates the proposals to make them coincide and, depending on the moderator's settings, has a comment box to give his opinion.
Unlike the other questions, the activity does not have the option of being illustrated by a picture. On the other hand, each answer can contain its own image to be linked.
Theme : indicate one or more themes or skills to which the answer is associated. In the participant report relating to the quiz, the results by topic are presented.
(For example: on a course on the automobile, we can associate the questions with the themes of bodywork, engine, interior, etc.)
Question : Enter the statement of the exercise as it will be presented to the participants.
Time limit : define in seconds the response time given to the learner for the question. By default, this parameter is set to 0, so there is no time limit .
Points : adjust the number of points awarded if the question is answered correctly.
Mandatory : yes answer must be expected to validate and go to the next question / no answer optional, the participant can validate and go to the next question without having given an answer to the question.
Random display of answers : yes the answers are displayed to each learner in random order (notion of limiting cheating) / no the answers are always displayed in the same order, regardless of the learner or the day of the quiz
Allow comments : displays a "comments" box to the participant so that he can give his opinion in free entry (the latter is not taken into account for the scoring system)

Pairing configuration takes place in two steps:
define the proposals to pair
link the proposals together
First step: define the proposals to be fitted
Left / right list : choose whether the proposal goes into the left or right column
Label : defines the word or phrase to link.
Even if the proposition to be linked is an image, this field must contain at least one character
Add media : are accepted: images (PNG, JPG), animation (GIF), video (MP4), all smaller than 5MB in size. A simple drag / drop is sufficient before validation.
Add to the left / right list : validation button for adding a proposal with summary of the defined action
List of proposals : each line corresponds to a proposed answer with its associated buttons (modification, deletion)
No importance of the order of the proposals, the connection will be made at the next step

Second step: match the propositions together, the correct associations
Left list : a drop-down list is displayed to display the selectable proposals in the left column
Right-hand list : a drop-down list is displayed to display the selectable proposals from the right-hand column. Select the answer to be linked with the one on the left.
Add this association : confirmation button to validate the association
Below, a list is updated as and when the associations defined in this framework in order to keep a visual check on them.

If the answer is correct, partially correct or incorrect, displays a personalized message to the learner.
If left blank, displays simple feedback by default: correct, incorrect, partially correct.

The proposals are displayed in the form of a table.
Just click in left / right in order to match two responses together.

Create a quiz
Updated on: 18/06/2021
Thank you!