Articles on: QUIZ questions

Free Answer

Free Answer


Unlike the other quiz questions, the "Free Answer" leaves a free field for the participant to enter his answer. The latter will be analyzed and noted by the moderator upon submission of the response by the participant.
Unlike the question "Fill in a field", in the "Free answer" there are no predefined answers for automatic correction by the system.


Theme : indicate one or more themes or skills to which the answer is associated. In the participant report relating to the quiz, the results by topic are presented.
(For example: on a course on the automobile, we can associate the questions with the themes of bodywork, engine, interior, etc.)
Statement : Enter the statement of the question as it will be presented to the participants.
Time limit : define in seconds the response time given to the learner for the question. By default, this parameter is set to 0, so there is no time limit .
Points : adjust the number of points awarded if the question is answered correctly.
Mandatory : yes answer must be expected to validate and go to the next question / no answer optional, the participant can validate and go to the next question without having given an answer to the question.
Allow comments : displays a "comments" box to the participant so that he can give his opinion in free entry (the latter is not taken into account for the scoring system)


Only one media / link is accepted per question.
media allowed : images (PNG, JPG), animation (GIF), video (MP4), all smaller than 5MB in size. A simple drag / drop is sufficient before validation.
external link : copy / paste the link (for example, a Youtube link), validate and it's done!

Added media


The image, through the magnifying glass, is displayed in full screen.

Free response - Participant view

As there is no predefined response, generic feedback is displayed while awaiting validation from the moderator.

Feedback - Free Response


While the quiz activity is underway, go to the "Live" section on the left.
Participant responses are displayed live on the sidebar.
View condensed results
Click on the blue square to see the detail and validate the rating the answer deserves.
Response validation


Create a quiz

Updated on: 18/06/2021

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