Tag Cloud
Create a Tag Cloud
The word cloud is an activity to describe or classify information.
From a question asked to the participant, the moderator collects a set of words which is organized in the form of a cloud of colored words, more or less large according to their occurrence.
This visual representation is used to bring out a set of ideas on a single medium and quickly identify the main ideas.
The moderator creates his Word Cloud activity in the library:
He clicks on the "Create" button in the My folders tab
He selects the activity Word cloud
He assigns a name to his activity
He can optionally tag and add a description
He writes a subject : a question to ask the participants
He records his activity
He then launches his activity from his session or directly from the library.
As the participants enter words, the moderator sees the word cloud displayed in his Live , which he can at any time project to the participants via the "Projector" icon.
The participant enters in the dedicated zone his word or group of words to answer the question displayed on the screen, then validates it.
Each idea is displayed on the screen, those written by the participant, but also all the ideas formulated by the other participants on the same activity.
The participant can thus learn about other ideas, and like them if they find them interesting.
For each word or group of words entered by the participant, there is a limit of 50 alphanumeric characters not to be exceeded.

The moderator sees the progress of the activity in his Live .
As the participants type in ideas, they are visually represented in a word cloud and enrich it.

At any time, he can also display this collection of words in the form of a list to see in detail:
The idea
The score obtained (i.e. the number of occurrences or likes of the word)
The participant who shared it

Several actions are possible for the moderator on this list of ideas:
Like one or more ideas formulated by the participants
Modify the text of one of the ideas
Delete an idea

When the moderator ends the Word Cloud activity, he or she will find in the Reports area then Activities tab , the detailed report of all the ideas formulated by all the participants in order to '' keep a record of it and consolidate its follow-up of participants if desired by downloading this report in the form of an Excel file:

Updated on: 11/06/2021
Thank you!