The Quiz activity corresponds to a series of questions to assess / promote the acquisition of knowledge.PopularDocument
This activity allows participants to consult any type of documentary resource.PopularPost-It
The Post-it activity aims to collect, classify and share ideas visually while collaborating.Few readersObservation activity
The Observation activity proposes to evaluate the skills or behaviors observed in the participants.Few readersE-Learning module
This activity proposes to go through an e-learning module imported into MOBITEACH and to follow its progress.Few readersSurvey
The survey makes it possible to question a subject or to collect the opinion of the participants.Few readersMessage activity
The Message activity is used to broadcast messages at different times of a session (break ...).Few readersURL activity
The URL activity integrates a link to a website, video or image, directly embedded in the page.Few readersWhiteboard
The whiteboard is a presentation support for more formal content delivery phases.Few readersTag Cloud
The Tag Cloud is an activity to describe or classify information.Few readers